そのような世界情勢の中、2011年4月に制定した現行のOUR WAYが、企業として果たすべき使命とその実現に向けた心構えを示し、その内容や表現が「私たちのあるべき姿」を反映しているか、「進むべき道を示しているか」など、当社の事業領域の拡大、事業環境の急速な変化等を念頭に置いて検討しましたが、その結果 “新たなWAY“が必要との結論に至り、本年1月1日付にて現行のOUR WAYを改定しました。
さて、新たなOUR WAY は、経営理念と経営方針で構成されています。
経営理念を定義しました。 そして、さらに経営理念を実践する手段を経営方針によって明確にしました。
新たなOUR WAYには、経営方針において、社会における私たちの存在意義、進むべき道、果たすべき使命とその実現に向けて全社員が共有する価値観を明示しました。
グループで働く全社員が、OUR WAY を理解し、いかなる行動を起こす場合においても基準となる価値観として常に意識するよう心がけて下さい。
冒頭に世界情勢が、自国の利益を優先する“排外主義”ともいえるポピュリズムが台頭してきたと述べましたが、偶然にも新たなOUR WAYは私たちの存在意義を「グローバル社会が抱える」社会的課題を解決し豊かな社会づくりに貢献するという当社の理念・生き方を明確に打ち出しており、ローカリズムへの危惧に一石を投じる形になっています。
新たに制定したOUR WAYに則って、一人一人が豊かなグローバル社会に貢献する様な活躍を期待しています。全ての社員が新たなOUR WAYの理念に基づいた事業活動を継続することにより、真のグローバルトップ企業を目指して行きましょう。
I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year!
I also want to express the gratitude I feel towards being able to ring in the New Year with members of the Group from around the world.
With an overseas net sales ratio exceeding 75%, Topcon’s position as a global corporation is undeniable. However, we must always remain diligent in our efforts to identify and analyze global trends.
June of last year saw an event that shocked the world; the people of Britain voted to exit the EU. And later in November, Donald Trump’s victory in the United States presidential election was a result that was contrary to the expectations of most. These are events that could influence the global landscape and indicate the rise of populism, the xenophobic movement that prioritizes the interests of one’s own nation above others.
Amid such a global environment, we introduced a new OUR WAY on January 1 of this year. We conducted a review of the original OUR WAY, introduced in April 2011 as the embodiment of our corporate mission and the values required to achieve that mission, to reconfirm that its content and expressions still reflect the ideal situation and direction for us in light of our efforts to expand our business domains and the rapid changes affecting our operating environment.
The new OUR WAY is comprised of corporate identity and management policy. Focusing on simple expressions that are easy for employees to remember, we defined our corporate identity as a guide for the direction we aim to progress as a company. We then outlined management policies to clarify the means through which we will achieve our corporate identity.
The new OUR WAY management policies outline our reason for existing in society, the direction we will aim to progress toward, and our corporate mission, as well as the values common to all employees that will enable us to achieve this mission.
I want to stress the importance of every member of the Group ensuring they fully understand the OUR WAY and using the OUR WAY as the core values on which we base all our actions
I began by stating that we are seeing events indicating the rise of populism, the xenophobic movement that prioritizes the interests of one’s own nation above others. The new OUR WAY defines our reason for existing as resolving the social issues facing global society and clarifies our philosophy and approach as focusing on contributing to the creation of an enriched society, our commitment to casting a stone against the threat of localism.
This year, we will celebrate our 90th anniversary on September 5.
I expect every member of the Group to uphold the newly defined OUR WAY and focus on various activities that contribute to the formation of an enriched global society. By everyone continuing to focus on business activities grounded in the new OUR WAY, we can strive to become a top-ranked global company.
Lastly, I want to express my hope that the New Year brings success and joy to every employee and their families, and look forward to working with you in the New Year.