1嵐電 桜のトンネル
料金大人 220円 子供 110円 (嵐電全区間均一)
2京都 おはし工房 京銘竹をはじめ日本・世界各地の木材など約100種類の厳選素材から良質な部分だけを選別し、すべて手作りというこだわり。ゴマ粒や魚の小骨も簡単につまみ取ることができる。当主は『独立御箸師』の肩書きを元に、お客様に満足して頂ける物作りをするため、日々改良と試行錯誤を繰り返し行われている。お箸は食品と同じくらいの気遣いが必要と考えておられる故、合成樹脂塗料は使用せず、天然塗料のみを使っている。
営業時間 10:00~17:00
電話番号 075-464-3303
HP www.kyoto-ohashi.com
塔頭46ヶ寺、全国及び海外に約3400の末寺を有する、臨済宗妙心寺派の大本山妙心寺。平安京範囲内で北西の12町を占め、自然も多いことから西の御所と呼ばれ親しまれている。中でも重要文化財・法堂の天井に描かれた雲龍図は、別名「八方睨み の龍」といわれ、見る位置や角度によって龍の動きや表情が変化するように見える。
境内自由 法堂 雲龍図、国宝の梵鐘、浴室 9:10~11:50 ※20分間隔
12:30 ※1回のみ 13:00~16:40(11~2月は 15:40) ※20分間隔
拝観料 法堂、梵鐘、浴室 大人500円、中学生300円、小学生100円
定休日 無休
電話番号 075-461-5226
HP www.myoshinji.or.jp
4 広沢池
5 竹林の道
天龍寺北側から大河内山荘付近までの約100mにわたって続く竹林の道。ドラマやCMでもお馴染みの有名どころ。一年中楽しめる竹林の道だが、オススメ は12月中旬頃から行われる花灯路の時期に訪れるといつもと違う幻想的な竹林の道が楽しめる。
6 渡月橋
1 Randen Sakura Tunnel
The Sakura (cherry blossom) Tunnel on the Randen Kitano Line between Narutaki and Utano stations is a hidden gem of a tourist spot. The cherry blossoms and landscape viewable from the train make for a location that is beloved by railway enthusiasts. For a short time during the year, there is even a period when the route is also lit up to provide a rare viewing experience of the Sakura Tunnel (best viewed from the end of March to mid-April).
Price: Adults 220 yen, children 110 yen (flat fare on Randen service area)
2 Kyoto Ohashi Kobo (Chopstick Workshop)
Handcrafted work using only high-quality portions of nearly 100 types of carefully selected materials, including Kyoto craft bamboo and other wood from Japan and around the world. With these chopsticks, one can easily pick up a single sesame seed or small fish bones. Described as an “Independent Chopstick Craftsman”, the shopmaster works tirelessly through trial and error to improve his products and create chopsticks that will satisfy all his customers. Embracing the belief that chopsticks require as much love and care as the food they are used to eat, Kyoto Ohashi Kobo prides itself using only natural coating materials and refrains from using any sythetic resin coating.
Hours: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Regular holiday: Thursdays, Sundays
(Open on national holidays not falling on Thursday)
TEL: 075-464-3303
HP: www.kyoto-ohashi.com
3 Myōshin-ji Temple
With 46 sub-temples and approximately 3,400 branch temples in Japan and around the world, Myōshin-ji Temple is the head temple of the associated branch of Rinzai Zen Buddhism. Originally spread over 12 districts in the northwest region of Heian-kyo (modern-day Kyoto), the temple came to be known and loved as the Imperial Palace of the west due to its vast nature. The Unryu-zu (dragon in the clouds) painting on the ceiling of the sermon hall, which is registered as an Important Cultural Artifact, is also referred to as the Happo nirami no ryu (dragon glaring in eight directions). It is said that depending on your viewing position and angle, the movements and expressions of the dragon will differ in appearance.
Grounds unrestricted;
Sermon hall, Unryu-zu, Bell (National Treasure), Bath 9:10am – 11:50am *20 intervals
12:30pm *1 time only 1:00pm – 4:40pm (Until 3:40pm from Nov. to Feb.) *20 minute intervals
Admission fee: Hall, Bell, Bath – Adults 500 yen; Students through middle school 300 yen; Students through elementary school 100 yen
Regular holiday: None
TEL: 075-461-5226
HP: www.myoshinji.or.jp
4 Hirosawa Pond
Hirosawa Pond is located to the east of Daikakuji Temple and Osawa-no-ike Pond. Offering tranquil scenery and a broad view of the Sagano Mountains, the pond is famous as a place for moon viewing. Hirosawa Pond is also a popular spot for experiencing the culture and traditions of Kyoto. During the Gozan-no-Okuribi (ceremonial lighting of bonfires on five mountains), the image of the Torii Gate flame reflects brilliantly in the pond. The pond is also where residents partake in tōrō nagashi (floating lanterns to send off the spirits of their ancestors).
5 Bamboo Forest Walkway
A bamboo walkway that continues for some 100 meters from the north side of Tenryuji Temple to near the Ōkōchi Sansō, a famous villa with various buildings registered as Cultural Properties, the Walkway is famous for its frequent use in TV dramas and commercials. The Bamboo Forest Walkway can be enjoyed year-round but a visit during mid-December when the Walkway is lit up offers a particularly fantastical experience.
6 Togetsukyo Bridge
The Togetsukyo Bridge is the immediately recognizable symbol of the Arashiyama area. This famous sightseeing spot is well known not only throughout all of Japan, but is also overseas. The area around the Togetsukyo Bridge provides wonderful scenery that changes with the seasons; cherry blossoms in the spring, the cool river in the summer, autumn leaves in the fall, and snowy landscapes in the winter.